by ML Traub · 2009 · Cited by 66 — Embryos were assigned as "good" (4AA, 4AB, 4BA, 5AA, 5AB, 5BA, 3AA), ... Wang Y. Gender-ethnic disparity in BMI and waist circumference ...
PGS stands for preimplantation genetic screening or pre-embryo genetic screening. ... For the sole purpose of gender selection ... tell the patient that a blastocyst has received a grade consisting of a number and two letters, for example, 4AB.. Our last remaining embryo (a 4AB day 6) was transferred on Wednesday, May 20! On the day of, I wore my “I Believe in Miracles” shirt, the Promise necklace .... Grade C (Poor)- Few cells that appear uneven, no visible trophoblast. Grade D- Degenerative appearance. A day five embryo with a grade of 4AB is considered a ... 939c2ea5af